Matching Gift
Multiply Your Kingdom Impact
We were recently contacted by one of our faithful donors who deeply desires to partner with us financially but would like this gift to serve as a stimulus and encouragement to others through a Matching Grant. We are eager to communicate this unique opportunity with you, believing it has the potential to kick-start several Global CHE Network investments – Kingdom investments!
Thank you for your help in reaching the poor with the Love of Christ.

- One gift of $50 will cover the cost of a training venue for a week of instruction for 5 trainers - or just $10 per student.
- One gift of $500 for the development and distribution of curriculum will allow the GCN to produce a new manual to be used in as many as 6,800 villages worldwide.
- One gift of $100 will allow GCN to produce 10 educational videos to be used to instruct hundreds of potential stakeholders.
- One gift of $120 gives one CHE worker access to the CHE App for one year.
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